At Lifepointe we want to have a common path of discipleship centered around the Word of God. So, as a church, we use a method of Bible study that we call the W4. Walking through a common content in our personal devotional time allows us to have a common language which leads to common conversations on the pathway toward spiritual maturity.
Focus on one chapter a week reading the same chapter and answering one question each day. Each question centers around a word that begins with W: Who, Will, Word, and Walk. You can use the remaining days in the week to review and add to what you've answered.
Below you will find the W4 questions for adults as well as an adaptation for kids. We are reading through 1 Samuel, Mark, and Jonah this year. Check out the reading schedule at the bottom of the page and join us.
What specific attributes of the glory and character of God the Father, Son, or Holy Spirit are displayed in the passage?
In what ways do these attributes help me understand who God is, how He works, and who I am?
What specific aspects of the will of God are revealed here? (Focus on the actual words)
What, then, does God expect of me in light of what He instructs here?
Scripture interprets scripture. What common or similar words are found in the text? As you see them, write them down.
Now, look at the cross-reference in your Bible and read some of those verses. How do the cross references affirm the current passage, or how do they help you see anything new?
Look again at the specific aspects of God’s will in the 2nd W. In what specific ways can I live out His will, or what action point(s) does the text encourage me to walk in?
An attribute is a quality or feature that someone has that you know to be true about who they are and how they live.
What attributes of God the Father, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit do you read about in the passage? In what ways do these attributes help me understand who God is, how he works, and who I am?
The Will of God - The specific things found in God’s Word that we are to do or follow in obedience.
As you read the passage, what specific things does it show that Christ-followers are to do or not do? Write them down.
Scripture helps us understand other Scripture.
as you read the passage, what are some of the exact same or similar words found in the passage? Take a moment and write them down.
Walk is defined as the specific ways you will live out God’s Will in your life.
Look at what you wrote down under WILL. In what specific ways will you live out God’s will in your life?